Monday, July 07, 2008

Time flies!

Oh my! Cannot imagine that I had not blogged for a year plus; ever since I had worked in XXX Institute.
Is a place full of work and I am always busy.. Even too busy to update my blog..But I do have a bit of time to look at my friend's blog and update myself how they are doing.. keke... (alright alright, you all must be saying that I am kaypoh! haha...)

Anyway, is a nice place to work in (though the direction in this company is ever changing!), learned a lot and now is time to move on again! And this time, I am pretty sure that I will not move again... haha.... cos I am working for my papa...
Stress! Dunno where and how to start off with this new job... Know nothing about this line and worse thing is, I dun understand much about hokkien! wohoho... Mai ah ni.. I am learning.. keke...

I just hope things will get better and and wish my papa sheng yi xing long!

Keep tune, I will be back!


At 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gin update la haha

At 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Welcome back!!! Eh bye wo nan gong hokkien. (next time we speak hokkien)


At 9:31 AM, Blogger Mao Tou Ying said...

Wa jin stress lei!da bai tia bo.. (Always dun understand what they are talking abt!) haha....

At 10:47 AM, Blogger bionic said...

haha..i can put u under trg wif my parents if u nd!!haha..

At 10:48 AM, Blogger bionic said...

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