Monday, September 22, 2008


Just when I was about to sleep after watching 康熙 (almost 2 am) , I heard my dad talking on the phone with someone and not long after, I heard him knocking on my door asking for any nearby 24 hours clinic!

Scared the hell out of me!! What happen?! 原来其中一个中国木工肚子痛! 还痛得在地上打滚儿! (must read and sound like cheena.. haha..)

So my dad quickly get me to check out if there is any nearby 24hrs clinic while he fetched him. I found out that there is one 24hrs clinic at clementi ave 3 but after seeing his situation, (pain until cannot sit and stand straight, and his face was really pale!) we decided to send him to NUH A&E.

Wah, FYI, to visit a private clinic in the middle of the night costs $82 excluding medication and tests! Hospital costs $190, luckily after subsidy is $90.

The doc had to observe him for one to two hours after the injection before deciding to admit him. Poor us just got to wait for him outside but this gave me and my dad a chance to chat about work. I told him about my difficulties in this line as I do not have the knowledge at all and my uncle is basically too busy and dunno how to guide me. I can say my dad is a very understanding person, he knows I am facing difficulties with my work and my uncle, so he encouraged me to go take some relevant courses which I had been researching on. We also talked about our workers and how to manage them.... I can say I felt great after talking to him and it was the first time we discussed about serious work for so long after my coming 4 months here. This discussion also made the time pass faster and the next moment, the doc called for us to tell us that they needed to admit him for further observation and suspect he was suffering from 盲肠炎. So after the paper work, we head home to catch some sleep. By the time we reached home, was already 6 a.m! God, and I need to get up in another 2 hours time.

Well, as expected, I couldn't wake up in time. By the time I woke up was already 9 a.m! Am late.. I tot my dad must be still sleeping but to my surprise, he was out before me! And he didn't wake me up for work. Maybe he wanted to let me have more sleep.. So am very stoned now! zzzzz.......


At 12:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to know you have a good chat with your dad!


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