Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Let's take a walk 100KM!!!

The Ding Dong Group

Four "Xiao Ding Dong" went for the 100km walk challenge last saturday for this MIND charity! (FYI, I skipped work to do this without my dad's knowledge! ha..) Din manage to walk the full 100km la, you think we really Ding Dong ah.. haha.. To cover this 100km needs at least 28 hours! Only managed to cover 30km (3rd check point at Bishan stadium) and we gave up!

First 10km, From Margaret drive --> Henderson road --> Telok Blangah --> Southern Ridge --> Hort park --> Kent Ridge park (First check point)
Second 10km, from kent ridge park --> north and south bouna vista road -- > holland road --> botanic garden --> sports physical education school (2nd check point)
Last 30km, from SPE --> lornie road --> maritchie park --> upper thomson road --> bishan sports stadium (3rd check point)

Am dying especially when it comes to the long and dusty Lornie road.
I would say, the entire thing is not very well organized, no road marshals along the way and no map given, no water point, no T-shirts, nothing!! Only a pathetic manual to tell us the directions. We shall walk on our own next time!

Warming up for the walk


You can see we are far behind!!

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Stairs and more stairs in the beginning of the walk!!

And meet my friend at southern ridge!

1st checkpoint at Kent Ridge Park

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Finally reach botanical garden for a rest before heading to the 2nd check point at sports physical education.

And we saw this cool house on the way!! And this cute upgrading signage.

Did not manage to take any pictures of the 2nd check point. Too crowded and tired!!
Next is the killer!! Here we come, BISHAN!! Faint.....

But we were happy to end the walk at the 3rd check point, Bishan sports stadium after 8.4 hours walk! Bravo!! 我的脚要断了!!


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