Tuesday, July 14, 2009

My new wheels!!!

Guess which bicycle is mine?? haha... the first on the left!! (I hope so too lor)
It is the first on the right.. courtesy from my friend...
Actually all 3 bikes are his.. 喜新厌旧的他, 我们才可以托他的福接手了他的脚车! wahaha...
Actually b4 this, i bot a 2nd hand bike from a stranger which my frend helped to search online. Pretty decent but of cos not as good as the current one I have.. haha... Ok, below is a lousy n ugly picture of my first bike taken at my friend's house void deck beside a stupid dustbin.......

Well, is quite a decent bike, at least it brought me to ECP and even Chong Pang to eat Nasi Lemak lor...Steady hor!! hahaha.... PSN, join me next time!! N TSC, i will wait for u to come back from bkk!!!We can go cycling together with our own bikes now and I m pretty sure my pedal won't drop off this time.. haha....


At 1:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

ery pro looking leh..... maybe next time it is my pedal that will fall off! hhaa

At 1:33 PM, Anonymous TSC said...

555 biang!!!! sad!!! what am i doing in bkk!!! i need to go back FAST!

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Mao Tou Ying said...

haha... won't la.. long's n nic's bicycle ultimate liao n me always the suay one.. haha... TSC, no sad, i wait for u!!


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