Wednesday, September 27, 2006

When will be my next holiday?!

Am I too greedy? Or simply hate to stay in singapore??
Ok, I dun hate singapore but I get bored so easily in Singapore. Everyday is so routine and bored....
No more motivation or nothing for me to look forward to now after my europe trip.
Got to plan for another holiday soon but who will help me with the vitamin M ($$$)??!!
Ok, go buy 4D now and hope to strike a big trip! Hhmm... where shall I go next?? Sipadan for diving? USA? Or the rest of Europe?? wahahaha......
Hey, dun tell me to stop dreaming!!
No harm to dream right?!


At 4:57 PM, Blogger Yollev said...

we nearly strike last weekend. 2883!

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Mao Tou Ying said...

Yah! 气死我了!


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