Thursday, November 09, 2006

5th Sept 2006 - I am flying to Paris

In order not to apply for another day leave (already applied 11 days of annual leave for this europe trip!), I had decided to go to work this day since my flight is in the evening. Of cos, no mood to work... Was so excited about the trip and kept thinking what else did I miss out in my backpack!
Once the clock struck 5, I rushed back home to do my final packing! Showered and head towards the airport to meet TCC n TCL! So excited!!
When we were going into the departure gate, turning back to wave goodbye to my parents, I suddenly got the feeling of going overseas to study! hahahaha.....
We stopped over at Bangkok for an hour to pick more passangers and then another 10 plus hours of flight to finland then to Paris.... Yes, dun ask me how come so many transits.... cheap flight (but still nt cheap lor!) so jus gt to bear with it... Well, at least we get to walk around in Bangkok airport and Helsinki city.
Finally we touched down at Paris airport.... when we were out of the airport, straight away we looked blur (already told ourselves not to look blur to attract bad pple!!) hahaha..... But it was so messy there n we did not know which way to go... hahaha.... Ok, so we found our way to the RER station, board the train and start our adventure in Europe!
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