Thursday, November 09, 2006

6th Sept - Paris

We started off by walking all the way carrying our backpacks to the our hostel from the train station. First day ma, battery still full bar! wahahaha.....
After settling down at the "not so good" condition hostel with a unqiue bathroom inside, we went out to explore this "high class" city of France.

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It was sooo hot that day that we dun really have the mood to walk around! Tot it was supposed to be autumn??!!! Nevertheless, we still visited quite a few places like the notre dame, sacre coeur and a park... Along the way, we tried our very best to run into shades whenever we could!

The best part was, we left our empty water bottles in the hostel n ended up buying a 1.5 litre bottle of mineral water at SGD7 near notre dame!! This is the most expensive mineral water I had ever bot!

Later part of the evening, we took the metro to Nord station to meet up with nic. She took the euro star all the way from london to meet us at paris! At the train station, I went to the most expensive public toilet! SGD1!! My god!? What can be worse than peeing in the public?! At that moment, how I can wish I am a guy so tt I can pee at some quiet corner! No wonder Paris stinks! Cos the public toilet is god damn expensive!

Anyway, we were supposed to meet nic at the tourist information counter but found out that there were so many of them in the station! Since we were early, we decided to go to the gate where she will be coming out from to wait for her. Cun believe that we can still miss her with 3 pairs of eyes! hahaha.. luckily we still managed to meet up! Feels so great to be together esp touring the world together!!

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At 11:03 PM, Blogger Little Miss Snooze said...

wah, the room toilet looks v interesting.... :)

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Yollev said...

we really walked very far to the hostel that day haha...


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