Friday, November 17, 2006

8th Sept - Lucern (Switzerland)

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A travelling day today! Been in n out of the trains to get to Lucern. From Avignon to Lyon to Geneve then to Lucern!! What a long journey to our destination. Tts why we got to wake up real early this morning(The sky still dark lor!!)to start our new adventure by walking all the way from our hostel to the city in darkness! No bus service that early so got to walk!! We took less than half an hour to reach and finally get to put down our heavy backpacks!!

Stopped over at Lyon followed by Geneve train station before we reached Lucern and each stop we only haf about half an hour interval. So we make use of the interval to go out in pairs to explore outside the station.

Not long after we board the train from Lyon to Geneve, we realised that the cabin that we were in goes to another place n not Lucern! We need to change cabin!! Yes, the train in Europe works this way, not all the cabins in the same train goes to the same destinations! Luckily we met a nice uncle n a nice conductor.. If not we will be lost!! haha...

I love Switzerland! This place gives me a very beautiful n peaceful impression. But I do haf friends commented that is a boring place. Maybe if i stay longer i will get bored too. Anyway, I enjoyed my two days in Switzerland!

After settling our accomodation (with the help of nic's hospitality friend) we walked to the hostel. Along the way we kept commenting that the water there is so crystal clear, the swans and ducks jus add on to the beauty of the river! Moreover the weather there is so much better compared to France. Much cooler and air fresher!! At least no urine smell like France! waahahaha...

The "Touristenhotel Luzern" that we stayed is in a pretty good condition n location. Everywhere is within walking distance and so we started walking around the city.

  • We walked around the water tower, the town hall, the chapel bridge (try to find our names on the bridge if u go there next time! Oops...), stopped by an ice cream store for some good ice creams, then proceed to find the Lion Monument. Got quite a shock to see such a huge lion stature. All along thought it was kind of small from the pictures I saw in the Internet. haha... And was very amused by a couple trying to take funny pictures with the lion (trying to touch the lion from far!!)We also joked about the lion's facial expression look like TCC who likes to frown, the body too small for the lion's head..and also the curly hair of the lion! haha....

    We later created an embarrassment. Mistaken a resturant that sells cheap fish n chips! Later we found out that is actually the pub down the resturant selling the it. Since we cannot afford the expensive food there, we decided to leave even though we were being served to a table already! Told the waiter tt we dun have money to eat and quickly make our way down! wahahaha.....

    Later in the night we tried to find our way to the Musseg Wall. We thought that the door to enter the wall was locked after certain hours and decided to go back the next day....Never expect tt the door is actually ...... To be continued!


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