Tuesday, September 13, 2005

My first night cycling!!

Another good and memorable experience after the desaru and pulau ubin cycling trip. This trip is definitely much easier than desaru, maybe because this time we cycled at night, so much cooler and also lesser slopes as compared to desaru.. except at sentosa! haha..

Actually, for this whole trip (including desaru), I am the follower.. haha.. as usual.. maybe I am not good at singapore roads, and also maybe I am already very worried about my cycling skills, so not very involved in the planning of routes... One major reason also because my two other kakis have much more experience than me which makes me feel so at ease with them. They really take good care of me, and the strategy of me cycling between two of them makes me feel so protected!! haha.. Thanks pals..

Ok, let me recall, the whole journey started from clementi. I took bus 105 to Long's place to collect his bike from his brother..Waited for almost 20 mins for the stupid bus to arrive and so I was late.This is not the end, I alighted at the wrong bus stop.. it should be the 2nd bus stop after IMM and I actually alight at the 1st bus stop.. hahaha.. and guess wat, before tt I heard from TCC that something is wrong with his bike's pedal and he cannot find his light.. OMG, my cycling skill already not very good, now hear that his pedal got prblem, I became more gan chiong! hahaha...

When I managed to get the bike from his bro, I tried to practice a bit before I went off to look for TCC. I rode very slowly on the pavement as I am not very fimiliar with the road there but the route is much shorter then I expected. Fianlly met up with TCC safely.. hehe..and we proceed on to meet up with nee.

We cycled for quite a while before we stopped at yishun to eat the supposedly famous (Channel U recommendation somemore) Chompang nasi lemak. I also feel that the nasi lemak so so only, maybe we were not hungry, or rather I am quite full when we ate the nasi lemak.. but still dun find it so special tt it can attract such a big crowd.

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After the nasi lemak, we continued our journey..Suddenly heard a big bang, dunno is it something came off from the bike or I hit something on the floor.. haha.. Then later the pedal. The pedal eventually failed me. The whole pedal actually came off!! Oh dear, how am I going to continue to cycle with just one pedal? We managed to screw it in but it only lasted for a while and it came off again.. sigh.. bo bian, wanted to try our luck of borrowing a spanner at some petrol kiosk but none of them have it.. ayyoii... so no choice, i will try to screw it in whenever we get to stop at each traffic junction. haha... Thank goodness , nee thought of going back to her place to get the spanner!

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Seletar reservoir, my first time there. Very interesting sights, can actually see all kinds of ah bengs and ah lians and their modified cars.. even saw ice-cream man selling ice cream there. Was too full that moment, if not i would love to have some ice-cream.. hehe.. Oh yah, and the ulu ulu road and the big houses there.. Cannot imagine that there are such places in singapore..

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Esplanande, the road near ther was blocked for the next day sheares run and tot that we can have the whole road to ourselves.. but dun be happy so soon. They actually blocked us too.. We took some pictures there to show that "I was here"..haha.. and continue our journey to sentosa.

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Sentosa, of cos not the first time there but was my first time cycling in sentosa. OMG, the slope nearly kills me man!! (but not as bad as desaru and I did not cry this time.. hahaha...) And my gears.. haha.. really super noisy man.. think all the birds and creatures were woken up by my noisy gears!! haha...Too bad we did not managed to see sunrise and the cannot make it 天涯海角 haha.. but I had a great time
eating outside 7-11 and playing with 仙女棒.

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Shacked, totally shacked after the we cycled out from sentosa.. thought the rain will make me more awake but still I am very sleepy.. Eyelid almost want to close when we were at West Coast Park mcdonalds.. Then nee suddenly syas Yio Chu Kang.. I was like... eerr.. ok, actually dun mind going but I scared I cannot tahan.. Eventually we decided to go home..

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On my way to Long's house to return his bike, I suddenly felt that I am on my own again.. The feeling was like how I started the journey. Ride alone to meet TCC then the overnight journey again.. haha..

Back home, showered and immediately slept from 11am to 7pm, just in time for dinner then slept again from 1am till next morning 9am.. now my palms are still sore from grabbing too hard onto the not so comfortable handle.. haha..

Anyway, still have to thanks Long for lending me his "not so good" bike.. haha.. I also want to thanks nee and TCC for this enjoyable 80km, 12 hours cycling trip around Singapore..

Ten Mile Junction, Old Woodlands Road, Mandai Road, Mandai Ave, Sembawang Road, Yishun Ave, Seletar Club Road, Seletar Reservoir, West Camp Road, TPE flyover, Jalan Kayu, Yio Chu Kang Road, Yio Chu Kang Link, Serangoon Central, Upper Serangoon Road, Bendemeer Road, Lavender Street, North Bridge Road, Republic Ave, Boulevard Ave, Raffles Ave, Esplanade Drive, Shenton Way, Keppel Road, Sentosa, Tanjong Beach, Telok Blangah Road, Pasir Panjang Road, West Coast High Way, Jurong Town Hall Road, Toh Guan Road.


At 11:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...


but really must imagine a bit... ok imagine a lot... haha...

After desaru and night cycling,你 steady了!!

At 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:30 AM, Blogger Yollev said...

haha wah biang, the 天涯海角 erm... haha... I cannot imagine man haha...

ya loh you steady liao bah... no bad...

you not only gears noisy,during pilates, your whole body also noisy... haha... whenever i think of your sticky sticky top , i cant stop laughing man! haha...

At 9:08 AM, Blogger Mao Tou Ying said...

Think we really need to go back to bintan's 天涯海角。

hahaha.. next time never ever wear that sticky shirt to pilates class!


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