Sunday, April 02, 2006

Dun TTM!

I had deleted his contact on my msn list long time ago cos I dun wish to see him online and cun talk to him. But that day he msn me!
I was very shock. A very short conversation but is enough to shock me.
We had been "msning" almost everyday since then.
Updating each other's life. Pouring out his sorrows to me. Telling me his job, telling him wat activities I am into now....etc
I felt great cos I never thought that I can tok to him again. And I guess I will be able to meet up with him soon. Just hope tt I won't do anything silly when I get to see him (esp crying!!)

Sometimes his conversation brought up the past and really make me upset n happy at the same time.
Y does he want to bring up the past? Just to create a conversation or he is missing the days we were together?? or it means other things?? or wat??
Ayooi, i start to TTM!!!
Ok, STOP TTM!! Just enjoy the moment!


At 3:30 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

swing ah swing....

no wonder always see u online nowadays...

I can totally understadn ur feeling or being able to chat wif him online....

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Mao Tou Ying said...

hahaha.... i just met up with him. A familiar but weird feeling. The feelings are of cos different from the past.

At 1:29 AM, Blogger Yollev said...

different?? keke....

yaya no wonder always online and bo hill me... yuan lai ru chi kekeke....

suddenly forgot my position ... am i the VP of the TTM club???

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Mao Tou Ying said...

TCC, where got bo hill u? haha..
Yah, i think u r the VP n nic is the president. Think i can replace her now. Cos i TTM too much liao! hahaha...

At 1:48 PM, Blogger bionic said...

hahaha...wah every1 1 2 take over my position in TTM club...i tink me "long wei bu bao"...hahaha


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