Saturday, August 26, 2006

Fly fly fly....

Yes, I am flying again! And this time is not a one two hour flight.. Is about 13 hours of flight!
Yes, is somewhere far and is my first ever longest flight!
Yes, is Europe!!! wahahaha... so excited about it and yet a bit scared cos I had never travel so far and so long.
It will be a two week holiday with my good friends!! All thanks to Nic tt she had been given a chance to go York for conference if not I dunno how long will my Europe trip will ever come true....
Hope it will be a wonderful and adventurous trip! (but nt too adventurous tt we need to mess up our itinerary) kekeke...
My europe trip includes France, Switzerland,Netherlands,Belgium...
Yes, I am coming!!!!


At 12:13 PM, Blogger Little Miss Snooze said...

U are going to have so much fun!!! Take care. Be careful of your bag. The gypsies are really good at pickpocketing. so be careful. dont give money to buskers!

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Adventure Seeker said...

Adventure starts today!! Have Lots of Fun Horray!!! =)


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