Monday, March 07, 2005

Night hike over! Wats next?

It started with 15 people gathering at macritchie for the night hiking on the 5th March at abt 6:15pm. All were so excited about the night hiking ( think all the TTMG were but dunno the rest). And so we set off.

I was so busy entertaining different people on the way as I had asked different groups of friends to join the hike. So did not really join the TTMG and sam in the first place only towards the end of the journey. However I still feel the most comforatble with you gals!! Cos we are still the most entertaining and funny bunch of us (including our new da shi xiong!!) !!!! hahaha....

Really surprised tt there are still so many of them joining the Bukit Timah trail after the 10km walk at macritchie but in the end only left with the original bunch of us which I felt much better cos I had the same feeling as yollev... dun want to hear any complains from the rest.
I am even more surprised when she decided to go ahead with us even when her friend had decided to give up. I tot she will simply leave together with her friend. Actually I dun really want her staying with us cos I am scared that she may not be able to take it not in terms of physically but mentally!!!

She was so tensed up throughout the whole journey and I am tired of telling her to relax and enjoy the walk and blar blar blar......... but luckily she decided to go off with the majority. I VB.

The rest of the journey was so dark and exciting. I find my legs so tired and started to slow down but you gals were so fast ahead and so I put the tiredness behind me, continuing to catch up with you all.....The sense of achievement when we were at the summit was so great! The breeze, the stars, the jokes, the laughter, the music, the sweat, the smell........the feeling is just so great.

Really concussed when having dinner!! I felt like dying and no energy to eat my dinner though I am damn hungry!! Must salute to the 2 ladies who walked home from Bukit Timah!!

So night hike is over! Wats next?? Bintan trip!!!! We are coming!!!!


At 5:15 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

We bring shoes to bintan... then we can walk there... shld be nice and shhhh~


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