Saturday, February 05, 2005

Drawing a line

Dunno is it because sales is bad recently, or is it because we have different perspective in life, I feel that our relationship got worse. Sometimes it is very difficult to draw a line between friends and colleagues. You are a good friend outside but when comes to work is a different thing.

I know I am not in a position to comment about your working attitude but I just want to voice out my opinion of you. Sometimes I do feel uncomfortable. You seemed to get sales very easily without much following up. Surfing internet all day, doing your own stuff but not work. I felt really unfair if students just forgot the consultant's name and sign up with another person. Is that considered free ride?

Like for today's incident, this student came down to register with you and later I found out that I had this student's application form with me long time ago. But you claimed that this is your lead, so I asked when did you get the lead cos my application form state september so if you got this lead earlier than me then this is definitely yours. I got a bit upset when you replied saying that never mind, give you lor since only a student.

I definitely know that in sales line, cross lead is unavoidable. And sometimes, it is very difficult to say whose lead is that cos one can be doing the consulting but another one holding the application form. It is a very sensitive issue as commission is given according to the number of students you bring in. However I really hope this will not affect our working relationship. We still have to work together to get in the numbers.


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