Monday, May 09, 2005

I am sorry, mum.

I never celebrate mother's day this year.
Sorry mum, for being unfillial.
Neither did I bring you out for meal, nor did I buy you a present.
I am just lazy and dun feel like cracking my brain to buy anything or plan anything to celebrate mother's day.
I know I never do my part as a good daughter.
Always, not at home and coming back home late. Making you worried about me.
But mum, rest assure that I am alright. I know what I am doing out there.
You need not to be too KC, the more you KC, the more I dun wish to tell you what I do outside.
Right now, I just want to enjoy my life to the fullest.
You can say that I am playful but I can only do all the things I like when I am still young.
Well, maybe these are just excuses, I am just simply lazy to put in effort to show any care and concern to this family.
I will try my best to be a good daughter.


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