Friday, March 25, 2005

Roller Blading, My New Challenge!

Went to East Coast Park last sunday to try out a new sport. Yes, roller blading!
Scary at first but soon get the hang of it however, i still dared not blad too fast! haha...
I still recalled that I sprained my leg once during secondary school while roller blading, maybe because the shoes are too big for me, so i hurt myself. Did not pick up this sport until last sunday.
My colleague is so steady, she doesn't even need to lift up her legs to blad.
I fell twice that day and both falls happened when I was going up the hump! I tend to slow down whenever I reached a hump and so there isn't enough speed to go up the hump, and so I "gos tan" and fell!! so ma lu and pai seh!! hahaha...but guess I learn from the hard way!
Did an imulsive thing, I actually bought a pair of blads that day!! Cannot resist the cheap offer and I decided to buy it! kekeke...did not regret but look forward to blading now so that I can practice more! But need to get guards first! kekeke....


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