Tuesday, June 14, 2005

My first overseas climb!

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Finally, decided to blog on my Krabi climbing trip after so long.

During the Vesak Day long weekend, me and my other 6 friends (supposed to have 7 but one cannot make it last minute) packed up and started our adventure!

It did not started well, cos I was almost late for my flight! Supposed to wake up and meet my neighbour at 5.30am then the rest 6.15am at the airport and guess wat! I woke up at 6.15! Got a shock and quickly flew to the airport! Luckily, I did not miss the flight. Was feeling kind of upset but when we reached Phuket, I was too looking forward to our next few days climb that I had no more hard feelings.

The flight took about an hour half from singapore to phuket, then we transferred to take a mini van from the airport to Krabi which took about 2 hours, then from there we took a long tail boat to railey beach and tts another 40 minutes. Wow! within a day, we took all sorts of transports! We had covered the air, land and sea in one day!! hahaha....When we reached there, we were all tired from the journey and decided not to climb but just bumping at the beach, while some did some shopping!

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Yes, first day of the climb! We decided to go to this wall face called the North Diamond Cave! It was a very hot day and we got to climb and belay under the big sun It was really scorching hot!! So my first time climbing on limstone. mmm...feels different from granite at bukit timah diary farm, rougher and spikier and some are better grip than granite. I was very impressed when i saw the local climbers there climbed with flip flops! My goodness, they climbed up n down effortlessly and me sweating like hell, using watever energy i had to climb to the top!

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The next day was more interesting, cos we needed to do some hiking to get to the place we wanted to climb, and also we got to do some caving and repel down from the top of the bats cave! So exciting! We climbed at Excher Wall, the climb were not too bad. One of my friends had a long and scary fall when she was leading this route and injured her leg. Poor gal, she could not climb for the rest of the trip.

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After the climb, we went into this dark and smelly bats cave. Up we climb in the bats cave using the steep and long ladders! Finally we reached the top and the view of the beach up there was so beautiful! We were very high! From there, we repelled down to the ground and started climbing the route again. That day was a tired day, had a sumptous dinner with wine, few rounds of poker card game in one of my friend's room, had some baileys (alcohol again!) after that all of us had a good night rest!

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Last day of the trip, but we still managed to have a short climb in the morning at this wall named firewall. We took a longtail boat out to another beach called Tongsai Beach to scale this wall. Wow, the highest wall I had ever climbed, is about 25 metres high! This wall is very fun cos it looks like a tube, so we were like climbing in the tube. While I was scaling this tube, my friend was leading this route and got stuck, he couldn't go any further, so decided to give up and leave his eacape ring there. Think everyone was tired after all the climbs. All of us enjoyed the trip very much and claimed that this trip is too short!

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Next year, we will be going back and be prepared to stay for one week to scale all the walls!


At 5:51 PM, Blogger Yollev said...

Finally Swing! haha... the pics very nice! haha...

At 9:48 AM, Blogger bionic said...

u look so pro leh!!! hahaha...

At 10:20 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

WAh~ so pro....

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cool!!! Very nice pics! Way to go...


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