Friday, July 14, 2006



你说我一点都没变,我说你错了。我可是360度的转变。 你的离开是晴天霹雳的但也让我成长许多。这也应该谢谢你。你的离开让我学会了不再依赖,学会了在这现实的社会生存也见识了不少东西。





Thursday, July 13, 2006


Got tagged by Ultranee
Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 5 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

1) I have a "sharp" butt that makes me dislike to stay at home!
2) I am a night owl n loves to stay up late, esp clubbing, chatting n chilling out till late night.
3) I am a risk taker but scared of cockroaches!
4) I always dream of marrying a rich man!
5) I like to be driven although I have a driving license!
6) I dun really watch TV n listern to music, prefer reading.

People I tag:

1) Chris
2) Nian Di
3) Juan
4) Yvonne
5) Lailing

Tuesday, July 04, 2006


I know is not my fault.
I know the problem lies between them.
But I just can't help feeling bad.
I know she desperately needs a job.
I know she feels unfair.
But I just dunno how to comfort her.